Stucco painting Calgary

Common Stucco Painting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Painting stucco can be a great project that improves your home’s appearance and longevity, but it has its challenges. So, we’ve put down some of the most common stucco painting mistakes and what can be done to avoid them.

Missing Surface Preparation

  • Mistake: It tells that many people have painted directly over dirty and damaged stucco. This will create a poor adhesion and finish that isn’t smooth.
  • Solution: Proper surface preparation is crucial. Clean the stucco well from dirt, mildew, and any loose material. It is proper to use a pressure washer with moderate water pressure to avoid damaging the stucco. Allow the stucco to dry completely. 

Ignoring the Need for Primer

  • Mistake: If you skip the priming step, paint peeling and a non-vibrant finish will show.
  • Solution: Applying a good quality masonry primer before Stucco painting Calgary will always be necessary. This base coat seals the porous nature of the stucco so that it is more uniformly paintable and will not allow the paint to affect the stucco surface adversely. It helps the paint adhere and hold up to the elements longer. Always choose one formulated for stucco or masonry finishes, and if applying outside, ensure the label states it is for exterior surfaces.

Picking the Wrong Paint

  • Mistake: Not all paints will stick well to stucco. The improper type can lead to a poor finish and reduced durability.
  • Solution: Use a paint made specifically for stucco. Some of the most common include elastomeric because it remains flexible, bridges small fissures without becoming a roadblock for further cracks, and is an excellent waterproof barrier. High-grade acrylic latex paint will do the job, as well. Remember the type of weather your region experiences when selecting your paint; elastomeric paint does very well when there are many temperature fluctuations.

Poor technique in applying the

  • Mistake: Applying the paint incorrectly will result in streaks, uneven application, and visible brush or roller marks.
  • Solution: Use the right tools and techniques for a smooth finish. A paint sprayer is your friend on big jobs like large stucco walls. When using a roller, consider one with thick fabric for rough surfaces. The paint usually goes on in two coats to get the best coverage; make sure you allow enough time between coats to dry according to the instructions on the can.


  • Mistake: Once a painting job has been completed, most homeowners fail to follow up with regular maintenance, causing premature wear and damage. 
  • Solution: The painted stucco needs good maintenance to keep it looking its best and lasting. Inspect your stucco’s condition annually to identify the damaged or worn area. Periodically wash the stucco surface to keep it clean from dirt and mildew. Protect any cracks or peeling paint quickly to prevent further damage. Touch up areas to maintain that fresh, vibrant stucco look. 

Painting stucco need not be a scary thing. As long as you steer clear of the common errors and follow the proper techniques, you can get a beautiful and long-lasting result that increases your home’s curb appeal: prepare the surface well, use the suitable primer and paint, apply it correctly, and maintain painted stucco. Happy painting!

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